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High Charity Vs Death Star

High Charity Vs Death Star
  1. High Charity Vs Death Star 1 Size

Re: Halo vs Star Wars Post by Ianto » Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:13 am UTC the assumption is possibly that this would happen pre-first contact between the covenant and humans when both are at their peak of the their power.

Image source: Getty Images.If the two things that are inevitable in life are death and taxes, then it's probably no surprise that someone figured out how to impose taxes after the grave. In the U.S., there are actually two different kinds of 'death taxes': the estate tax, which is levied by the federal government and certain states, and the inheritance tax, which is levied by only a handful of states.Read on to learn more about these 'death taxes' and see if your assets may be subject to them.

The estate taxThe estate tax is, 'a tax on your right to transfer property at your death.' All the cash and property you own at the time of death is added up and subjected to some complicated calculations to arrive at the taxable value for the estate. It's unlikely you'll need to worry about the federal estate tax: The IRS offers an exemption on the first $5.49 million of the estate (as of 2017). So unless you think you'll have more than five and a half million dollars to leave after death, you can forget about the federal estate tax.Most states that levy an estate tax use the federal limit, but there are a few state estate taxes that use a lower amount. For example, both Massachusetts and Oregon have only a $1 million exemption for their estate taxes. That may sound like a lot, but if you have a house, some savings, investments, and a well-funded retirement account - not to mention jewelry, furniture, and so on - then your estate could easily be valued at over $1 million.

The inheritance taxThe inheritance tax is only imposed at the state level. Six states have inheritance taxes: Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. If you're a resident of one of those states when you die, your beneficiaries will likely have to pay an inheritance tax on their bequests. The inheritance tax also applies against any real estate you own that happens to be located in one of these states, even if you're not a resident of the state. The states all have different inheritance tax rates, exemptions, and limits, so check with your for details. If you're concerned about either of these taxes, you can take steps to minimize how much your estate or your beneficiaries will have to pay. One approach is giving the money or property in question to its intended recipient while you're still alive.

You'll receive a gift tax exemption of $14,000 per recipient per year, allowing you to dispose of quite a bit of wealth tax-free. If you are married, you can both give out gifts and enjoy a doubled exemption of $28,000 per recipient per year in total. And you can give away yet more money tax-free by paying your intended beneficiaries' medical or tuition fees (you'll need to pay the medical provider or school directly to take advantage of this loophole).Another way to cut back on estate taxes is to create a trust for your property. This works especially well for your home, since you can keep living in the house even if you've given ownership in it away to the trust. However, for this to work it has to be an irrevocable trust – meaning you can't change your mind later and take the house back or give it to someone else.

If you decide to go this route, consult a lawyer or tax professional; you'll need to configure your trust with estate taxes in mind.Choosing your beneficiaries with taxes in mind can have a big impact on how much you (or they) will pay the IRS. Anything left to either your spouse or a qualifying charity doesn't get hit by the federal estate tax. Most states charging inheritance tax also have exemptions for charity beneficiaries. Many charge greatly reduced tax rates to beneficiaries who are close relatives of the deceased (siblings, children, and so on - check with your state to confirm), and all states exempt spouses from inheritance tax.

Lol i must be bored, ummm ima have to come down on star wars side on this. In halo universe humans were gettin massacred by covenant so they would probably lose to any major star wars race, side, entity or wahtever word i am looking for.as far as covenant vs star wars ima say still star warsi think either rebel alliance or the empire could take them. And the flood to me are the wild card no idea whatsoever.

Lol @ mental image of ewoks tackling elites and brutes and wookies tearing through jackals and grunts, hehe mental goodness!Oh and if you want a real good argument try a Star Trek vs Star Wars cause it wil never end. I side with Halo here. I agree with you the Star Trek vs Star Wars in that it is a never ending, but I have looked around a lot, and I think that the Halo vs Star Wars is going to heat up to the STvsSW level.One major advantage that the Covenant have is Slipstreamspace drives, they are slower if you do not count the Forerunner Keyship. Unlike Star Wars Hyperspace, Slipspace is not through normal space, but another dimension, they can: jump through stars and planets with out any effect on the ship or real space object, make short tactical jumps, and jump in a gravity well.

And then there's the Covenants ability to guide the plasma torpedos, will if a turbo-laser miss it just continued onward.The Covenant could win in a hit and run war. As for Wookies vs Brutes, I think it would come to a draw in the area of strength.And of across the ultimate none-Flood weapon none-Halo Array weapon would be the SSD-size Forerunner Dreadnought/Keyship. It can power all of High Charity, which is about half the size of the DS2 if you go with the 900 kilometer diameter, with a small fraction of it's total power.

They disabled all weapons they knew it had, but it could reativate them for battle in a short time I'm sure. And then there is the one word we can not forget: HALO. The Empire would not risk an invasion without knowing before hand where all seven Halo Rings are. The only safe place from a Halo pulse it in a Shield World like Onyx with the Slipspace rift that houses the Micro Dyson Sphere or the Ark.And then the Flood overwhelmed the Forerunner after a 300 year war. The Forerunner were far stronger than anything else in the galaxy at their height. The Empire with the Sun Crusher could destroy stars, so could the Forerunner. Forerunner tech is in ever way better than what the Empire or any one else in SW has. As the portal to the Ark has proved, they could move over 2500000 light-years in a few seconds. Halo tech is far ahead in many areas.And for Hyperspace vs Slipspace, I think that a Hyper Drive is like the ST Warp Drive only many millions of times faster.Halo owns Star Wars. One word again: HALO.

This a bit of a toughy.I'm going to pit a CCS-Class Battlecruiser against a ISDBoth are Capital class ships. They are about the same size and have about the same number of fighters and have complements of boarding craft(but we'll take those out of the equation fo this fight). The CCS has plasma torpedoes, plasma turrets, and pulse lasers.

High charity halo

High Charity Vs Death Star 1 Size

The ISD has a large variety of turbo lasers and ion cannons.1 on 1 with no fighters or rienforcements I would have to go with the CCS. If the cruiser kept moving, the ISD would not be able to track it at long distances. Covenant plasma can track, turbolasers cannot. Also, Covenant plasma is incredibly effective against shielding. I would assume two to three plasma torpedoes could knock out an ISD's shielding, and assuming a CCS has more than three plasma torpedo tubes, it would be lights out pretty fast for the ISD. The pin-point intra-system jump that the CCS can perform can give the CCS a major advantage in a sticky situation.I wouldn't know what to say about a Marathon-Class Cruiser against an ISD, but I can say that the end result would be pretty gruesome.On the ground though, I would have to say, without a doubt, that the Covenant(or the UNSC) would dominate. A Spartan or a Elite could devestate entire squads of Star Wars troops with ease. Covenant infantry plasma weapons are incredibly brutal on whoever is on the wrong end, shielding or not.

A MA5B can spray 15 rounds of armor piecing bullets per second. Personally, I have little doubt that the Covenant or the UNSC would lose a even matchup against any faction of the Star Wars universe. I think that the UNSC would get decimated by any Star Wars faction. As far as I know, the UNSC had very little or no sheilding on any of their ships, so turbolasers would make swiss cheese out of them.Plus, like killforcash said, numbers play a big part.

According to, the number of UNSC colonies toped out at about 800. The Empire, according to, however, had over 1 million.I couldn't find any numbers for Covenant planets, but they aparently controled a large part of one arm of the Milky Way. Since the Empire had pretty much an entire galaxy, I think they they would win by numbers alone. Halo would win. (My icon is the bungie superintendent, so i may be a bit bias)Even if you could argue they could beat the covenant.

They cant beat the forerunner or the flood.' I have destroyed fleets of thousands'- Gravemind (and those were forerunner ships no less)Yeah, but the forerunner are long gone. And who knows what the superlaser on the Death Star or the Eclipse would do to a Forerunner ship?Regardless, Forerunner vs. Empire would be pretty interesting.And the Flood, at least in the games, weren't exactly competent pilots. Star Destroyer vs. Flood controled ship, I would put my money on the SD even if the flood had a ship twice as big, at least until the flood manage to start infecting the crew of the SD.

Thats really the only thing that allows the flood to win. I'd love to see Forerunner vs. Empire I'd have my money on the Forerunners: any race that can wipe all sentient life from the galaxy or trigger a premature stellar collapse has my voteThe cool thing about the Flood vs. Empire is that the Flood play the Empire's numbers against them. That's how they overwhelmed the Forerunners: during the final battle before the rings were lit, the Flood just threw thousands(hardly exaggerating) of civilian ships at the Forerunner defenses until the Forerunners were overwhelmed or subjugated.Flood vs. Empire: Flood wins every time(unless a Halo array is brought in). Hmmi'll stick to my regular, why compare they're both great story'ssuperweapons.DeathstarvsHalo (y the giant ring that kills Flood food.

Me etc)becuase the halo kills all life in the (universe:/?) halo wins here. (poor lonely droids all alone)+1 halo)star destroyers r pretty powerfull ships, not to mention the Super star destroyer they'll probably rip through the covenant and humans faction combined anywaysnow ofocurse if u start getting the flood in everything loses, u kil em their (exploded) particles infect the ship game over. Still i think that just shooting the flood should suffice here. Just to keep things fairso +1 for starwarsElite vs Jedi?Master Chief vs Yoda / anakin?let's not go there. Obvious reasons1 - 1 so far from my list. Both great story's. Not worth calling 1 'better'.

This is hard to say, but I would have to go with Halo, specificaly the Covenat. One, they occupied a large portion of the galaxy and would only be out numbered about 4 to one vs the Empire. Two, they could get help from the Alliance. Three, the Covenat would dominate the ground. Any elite could concievably kill five or six clone troopers provided it was a fair fight. The Empire had many rebellious planets so they had to keep ships and soldiers there to keep control or they might rebel, so they could not bring their full military force to bear.

And on the ground, the Covenat are a step ahead on everything the empire has. Scarab is better than the AA walker, and much more maneuverable. The empire doesn't really have anything to equal a wraith, unless you count the chicken walkers.Covenat hand weapons, such as the plasma rifle, is better than the Empire's rifle's The only thing the Empire has equal ground on is their fighters, and just barely. As mentioned up above, the Covenat ships have better weapons and can control where the plasma goes. They can travel faster, and I believe have better shielding. And the death star thing.

Well, if the Covenat can't get close with them, they will send intransports from all their ships and attempt to board it. Intensene combat in the death star, but the Covenat would probalby win because the elites have personal shiled and not just body armor.

The only advantage the empire has is that it probably outnumbers the elites, but they proved themselves when they fought the brutes when they were outnumbered three to one. And I am talking about the elites, which I believe would win after the Covenat civil warNow on to the Empire's advantages. They outnumber them, and if they could keep the war going could start reverse engineering captured technology to even the odds. They could find allies with what is left of the brutes, which would happily enjoy the chance to kill more elites. If there were any prophets left alive and still in charge of large portions of the Covenat, they might get help from them. Thats it for the empire's advantagesOkay, so the Covenat win. By the way, if the flood come out and infest the empire, everybodies screwed.

The only reason why anyone was able to defeat the flood in Halo 1,2, and three is that you caught early infestations, before the were able to fully gain their power. And you had the help of the Halos. If the flood got into the empire, the Empire would be able to do little to stop it, and once it gained enough power, they would kill every last one of the Covenat. I mean, the Forrunners couldn't do anything to stop it except kill themselves so that it wouldn't have any food.And I know this was mentioned above, but the gravemind has defeated fleets of thousands, and all those forrunner ships.And forrunners vs Empire, they win because they are massively better then the Covenat, and the covenat are alot better than the empire.I rest my case.

Davemazing, I would delete that Halo is g- if I were you. I have heard of some unspeakable things that the Covenant have done to people that say that. This one guy called Elites g- and fifty of them chased him around with Plsama Swords. And then there was another were the Shadow of Intent glass some one's house.No insulting ether side, because this is stuff that happens. I don't even use the word for fear of the Covenant attacking.

And then you have the 'Let the Wookie win!' What would a Wookie do if called g-?All of that was just a joke, but no insulting Halo or Star War, please. I do not want this to end up with nearly every one flaming because of this sort of thing.

I want a nice, clean post that is not a major war ground in that way. Fans of both sides as you see in the STvsSW area sometimes just start attacking every one that will not agree with them, I do not want any of that here.Nice facts that back it up, no falming, please. Forgot to post this before.HiddenMaster you make many great points. But I do not see why the Covenant would board the DS like this with around 7200 Tie fighters attacking.

They would go through Slipspace into the center of the DS where the Empire have no defenses. I think that the core chamber of the DS/DS2 is big enough to hold a small Covenant fleet.The Empire would never know what hit them.And another joke, this for the Halo side. Dear Halo Universe Humanity, we regert being Star Wars Imperial wimps, we regert coming to Earth, and we most definitely regert that the Halo UNSC just blew up our ragged-A- fleet.

Ho-rah, sir!This has been a UNSC transmission. HiddenMaster you make many great points. But I do not see why the Covenant would board the DS like this with around 7200 Tie fighters attacking. They would go through Slipspace into the center of the DS where the Empire have no defenses. I think that the core chamber of the DS/DS2 is big enough to hold a small Covenant fleet.The Empire would never know what hit them.I disagree.

How would the Covenant know that the inside of the DS is hollow? They only way they would know that is if the got the plans, which would mean teaming up with the rebels, which I think is unlikely.

The rebels are already fighting to free the galaxy from one oppresive government, why would they team up with another one who commited genocide on a bunch of humans, and refuse to allow any religion aside from their own? If anything, I would think that the rebels would team up with the UNSC.And even if they got hold of some plans, I doubt the idea to jump in the middle of it. After the Elites left, they didn't really have any tactical geniouses. They probably would have gone for the all-out frontal assault, and gotten massacred in the process.

The Covenant didn't know how to use the full abilities of their technology, eitherEven if they managed to destroy the DS, it wouldn't mean the end of the Empire. After all, it survived the destruction of the first DS, and the only reason it collapsed after the second one was destroyed was because the Emperor went down with it. One, they occupied a large portion of the galaxy and would only be out numbered about 4 to one vs the EmpireI think the Empire would have outnumbered them by a lot more than that.

According to that article that I linked to above, the Covenant had part of the Orion arm (which Earth is a part of) of the Milky Way. According to arcticle, the Milky Way has 4 major arms, with at least 2 minor ones, and one of those minor ones is the Orion arm. So the Covenant only had part of one small arm, while the Empire has an entire galaxy.

Assuming that the Orion arm is 1/2 the size of a normal arm, that the Milky Way is about the same size as the one in Star Wars, and that they both have the same number of ships per sections of galaxy, the Empire would outnumber the Covenant by about 10:1.Granted, some of that would have to go towards stopping rebelions, etc, but that still leaves a huge advantage for the Empire.One for one, the Covenant would no doubt win land battles with the Empire, but the Empire would more likey prevail by numbers alone. They had billions, maybe even trillions, of Stormtroopers. The Covenant would only have a fraction of that, and the majority of their army would be grunts.Even if numbers weren't enough to win the ground, the Empire would still have the DS, Eclipse, etc to annahilate the planet.Personally, I think that the Halos themselves should be disregarded from the discussion. Sure, they're a superweapon, but you don't really win when you use it. Your enemy dies, but so do you, so activating them would be incredibly stupid.Whew!

Sorry for the wall of text. Davemazing, I would delete that Halo is g- if I were you.

I have heard of some unspeakable things that the Covenant have done to people that say that. This one guy called Elites g- and fifty of them chased him around with Plsama Swords. And then there was another were the Shadow of Intent glass some one's house.No insulting ether side, because this is stuff that happens. I don't even use the word for fear of the Covenant attacking.

And then you have the 'Let the Wookie win!' What would a Wookie do if called g-?All of that was just a joke, but no insulting Halo or Star War, please. I do not want this to end up with nearly every one flaming because of this sort of thing. I want a nice, clean post that is not a major war ground in that way. Fans of both sides as you see in the STvsSW area sometimes just start attacking every one that will not agree with them, I do not want any of that here.Nice facts that back it up, no falming, please.Uh, you're weird.What's falming?I think that you don't know what a 'fact' is.

Both are works of fiction, which is the oposite of fact. Uh, you're weird.What's falming?I think that you don't know what a 'fact' is. Both are works of fiction, which is the oposite of factOne: I am not weird. Two: That was a typo. Three: I mean fact as in the facts for these great works of fiction, things that are facts in their worlds.If you do not have anything beyond annoying me and everyone else to do on this thread than please leave before I till the Elites what you called Halo.

And I said that was just a joke about the Elites and Shadow of Intent. What is wrong with a good joke?Quote: Listen Tanker Bell, don't make me take off my belt! Unquote.From the end of Halo 2 in Delta Halo's Control Room. I forgot if Sergeant Johnson was interrupted or not by Commander Keyes.

Will the Covenant may risk a slip inside near the core thinking that is maybe like High Charity and other large Covenant stations like the Unyiekding Hierophant; or, in the words of Sergeant Johnson upon seeing it Quote. I'm not sure what that thing is is. Don't look look like any 'uneven elephant' to me-more like squid kissing.

Whatever it is, damned glad it's going to blow up. Nice job-almost as good as if we sent in the Marines. UnquoteBut then also even the DS2 with it's super laser would not stop a Covenant fleet geting in close to the surface through Slipspace and then sending the boarding craft. Sorry, I hadn't thought of that before.Another joke for Halo!How did these Imperial Clowns even found Earth in the frist place? I mean Storm Troopers can't hit the side of a barn from inside the barn.

High Charity Vs Death Star

In the game we Mariness are bad, but even we shoot better than them. After all we didn't get our a-es kicked by teddy bears!Ten minutes later: A Grunt is running down the hallway were somehow the Marine and his buddies were captured by Storm Troopers. One ST yells in a Grunt-like voice.' Five seconds later the Strom Troopers are dead and the Marines have killed the Grunt.This was a UNSC transmission. Uh, you're weird.What's falming?I think that you don't know what a 'fact' is.

Both are works of fiction, which is the oposite of factOne: I am not weird. Two: That was a typo. Three: I mean fact as in the facts for these great works of fiction, things that are facts in their worlds.If you do not have anything beyond annoying me and everyone else to do on this thread than please leave before I till the Elites what you called Halo. And I said that was just a joke about the Elites and Shadow of Intent. What is wrong with a good joke?Quote: Listen Tanker Bell, don't make me take off my belt!

Unquote.From the end of Halo 2 in Delta Halo's Control Room. I forgot if Sergeant Johnson was interrupted or not by Commander Keyes.Man.

You are so weird, you even type in a weird way.Weirdo.

High Charity Vs Death Star